Simone, our resident Roadrunner, continues to roost in the stable every single night - 74 nights in a row now. She hasn't missed a single night.
She comes in about 30 - 45 minutes before sunset and leaves about 30 - 45 minutes after sunrise. We walk all around her doing our usual work for the horses and nothing seems to cause her any concern.
We often see her in our courtyard as she hunts for lizards. Roadrunners are carnivorous. They'll eat anything - including birds.
Several times we had birds - usually Finches and Sparrows - run into our windows. Usually they're just stunned and fly off. However, there were times some were killed.
Three times Simone would rush up from her hiding place in the bushes, grab the dead bird, and return to her place to pluck and have a free dinner.
We really thought she might stop roosting in the stable once it turned warmer, but we guess she's found a home.
She's welcome as long as she wants to stay.
i guess you wont be using our fan anymore!
i need to ask--is she making a mess?
Nope, no mess. Not one dropping. She's a very considerate overnight guest.
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