After drinking, she hops up to the top fence rail and let's the world know she's there.

Simone is one of the many reasons we love to live in New Mexico.
Today is July 2 and if today is your Birthday you share your day with: Lindsay Lohan (actress and troubled young woman), Jose Canseco (baseball player and steroid user), Vincente Fox (President of Mexico), Richard Petty (NASCAR champion driver - "The King"), Dan Rowan (comedian - co-host of "Laugh In"), Thurgood Marshall (first black Supreme Court justice), Jerry Hall (Mrs. Mick Jagger), Dave Thomas (founder of Wendys restaurants), Walter Brennan (actor - Grandpa on "The Real McCoys"), and Valentinian III (Emperor of Rome, 425 AD).
That's not Simone. I can totally tell it's a new bird. Just look at the feathers.
Good try tricking us.
I agree. New Mexico is a very unique and special place.
What a blessing to call this amazing place home.
Oh, and by the way.....Come visit my blog "Laughing Orca Ranch" and pick up the award I nominated you for! :)
(Directions: Right click on the award and save to your computer. Then upload it to your blog. Any questions, feel free to ask) Congratulations!
what does Simone sound like? Any little simones trailing her?
It is Simone. It is. Welcome back Simone.
Actually, we never see any little Roadrunners. They're kind of like pigeons - you never see any little pigeons either.
They make a kind of gentle sound that's similar to a dove, but after hearing it for awhile you can definitely tell the difference.
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