We gave Gletta her summer full body clip yesterday and we did the same for Morgunn today. It was very, very windy so, Michelle, we weren't able to gather up the hair from Morgun's clip - it blew all away
(Update on the hair - see below). I guess it will make the birds happy as they're looking for nest material this time of year.
Morgunn was a real champ standing very still (at least for him) through most of the clipping.
Here's his before picture:

Starting the clipping process:

Hey, what are you doing down there?

Finally, the job's done and here's Morgunn's after picture:

We don't have to worry about this for another two months. Thank goodness.
Update on the hair. Michelle, when we fed the horses their dinner, we saw some of Morgunn's hair collected close to the stable. So, here's a picture of what we collected. Multiply that by 100 and you'll get an idea of how much hair comes off of each horse in the Spring:
Peeled carrots = healthy horses!!
There are those great legs again! ;)
I think next time you should write,"Dan Loves Betty" as you're shaving them and take that picture--or maybe even a smiley face! or a horse shoe! or the zia symbol!
I think you're going to have a hard time convincing me those carrots aren't peeled.
BTW, Morgunn looks great! I cannot believe how different their coats? (hair?) is than the quarter horses.
All that hair could make someone a lovely wig!
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