The last couple days were visiting the hair cutter (us). Today was a visit from the horse manicurist - otherwise known as a farrier. Horses hoofs are really big nails, similar to our finger nails, just bigger and tougher.
Richard Candelaria is our farrier and he's a great guy and really good with the horses. He's a certified barefoot farrier which means he's trained to work on horses who don't have shoes - such as our guys. Here's what a typical visit from Richard looks like.
Richards trailer - pretty good looking.

Here's our favorite hoof guy hard at work on Gletta.

However, this is usually the view I get talking to Richard while he works. I enjoy talking with him as I learn a lot about horses as well as hooves. Richard is also an accomplished horseman and team roper.

Richard's work on our horses usually starts with him clipping the hoof wall as it has grown since his last visit.

Then he rasps the hoof until he gets the angle he wants. He finishes by putting a small roll on the front of the hoof which is called a "mustang roll" because it is similar to the roll that mustangs get in the wild.

Clipping and rasping (filing) - not that much different from what we do with our nails!
You got yourselves a fancy farrier! :)
Do your horses have smelly feet?
Nope, no smelly feet. They're dry and hard. Richard says they're some of the best feet that he sees in his business.
why am i not surprised? looks like somebody(ies) know how to take care of horses!
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