Today was Morgunn and Gletta's dreaded day. They went to our Vet, Matt Paxton, for their annual check, shots and the dreaded teeth floating. We're not sure why it's called 'floating,' but the Vet files their teeth each year. Horses grow little points on their teeth and they can cause problems if they're not filed down. It's not their favorite thing, but it needs to be done.
Here's Gletta loading into the trailer like the old pro that she is.

OK, where are we going and what are we going to do?

To start things off, Matt gave each of them a mild sedative. So, here's Morgunn on drugs:

Here's Gletta getting her upper teeth floated and you can hear her saying, "Ow, ow, ow - what's a girl to do?"

Here's Morgunn getting his lower teeth floated. The 'Hannibel Lecter' device keeps the horse's mouth open so Matt can get to his lower teeth without getting his fingers bit off.

After getting home, the final task is to get the trailer backed into the driveway and ready for the next trip.

And that brings another vet trip to a close for six more months.
Oh, you reminded me that I have vaccines in my fridge for our horses. We have too many to haul in so the vet sends them home with me to administer. Thanks for the reminder.
Floating teeth? I must go wake my hubby and see if he knows. Does it make it easier for them to eat their peeled carrots? ;)
I was laughing imaging what the vet thought of you taking pictures of him at work. Did you get the same funny look I always get? It's all about the blog!
Nice post.
Hey,does the vet come & get them or do you have a new vehicle? This was an interesting teaching experience for this non-horse person! Filing hooves, filing teeth -- more to this than I thought.
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