Today, August 13, is our oldest son's Birthday - Wade Daniel Cooksey. His due date was very close to my Birthday, August 16, so when he came early I was still with my ship in Jacksonville, Florida. We had just come back from our first Vietnam deployment and Betty was living in Brentwood, Tennessee with her family. When I got the word that she had gone into labor I got a quick flight to Nashville (it was a lot easier in those days). I missed Wade Daniel being born by an hour, but in those days I couldn't be in the delivery room - just wasn't done.
He's been a joy and blessing to us in many ways - both as a child and now as an adult.
To celebrate his Birthday, here are a few pictures from his life.
Wade Daniel enjoying the sun through the patio door.

The older brother being really nice to his younger brother, Chris.

Enjoying his first real Halloween - this time as a Bunny.

Enjoying his favorite free-time activity - fly fishing - and he's quite good.

Like his brother, Wade Daniel is not a horse person, but he wanted to ride Morgunn while visiting us for the Balloon Fiesta.

Watching a balloon (What Would Jesus Do?) land behind our house during the Fiesta.

Sporting his Blue Man Group t-shirt. During their performance he was one of the lucky few called up onto the stage with them where they created this shirt by spitting paint balls at it while he wore it.

Wade Daniel is now a great father to Juliet as well as a good husband to his wife, Marie. Here he is with Juliet and both are wearing matching "fish" shirts.

A family picture of all of us during a recent visit at their home in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Wade Daniel, you are a good husband, great father and a very good man. Your Mom and I are proud of you and wish you a very happy Birthday!
Today is August 13 and if today is your Birthday then you share your day with: Our oldest son, Wade Daniel Cooksey (an all-around good guy), Dan Fogelberg (singer/songwriter), Don Ho (Hawaiian singer - "Tiny Bubbles"), Pat Harrington, Jr. (comedian - superintendent Dwayne Schneider on "One Day at a Time"), Fidel Castro (Cuban dictator), George Shearing (blind jazz pianist), Alfred Hitchcock (director - "The Birds"), Bert Lahr (actor - Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz"), Annie Oakley (sharpshooter in "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show"), Danny Bonaduce (Danny on "The Partridge Family"), Scott Hamilton (Olympic gold medalist ice skater), Richard Basehart (actor - "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"), and William Caxton (first English printer).
The kind words ALMOST make up for posting that bunny photo!
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
What a cute little bunny son you have! I LOVE the picture when he was little--the golden hair and sweet smile!
Happy Birthday, Wade Daniel! Hope your day was happy. :)
Ah-h-h, good choice of photos of that sweetie to share! The bunny graces our spare room wall! It makes me smile every time I see it & we, too, are so proud of him!
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