We have had a quail explosion this summer. We suspect it may be due to the fact that we don't have as many coyotes as we did a few years ago even though we see one or two periodically.
We have two species in the area, Scaled Quail and Gambrels Quail. The Scaled Quail is a mostly gray quail with white spots on their breast and wings. I had a few pictures of them in our courtyard awhile back.
The Gambrels Quail has more brown, both dark and golden brown, and they have the distinctive little topknot protruding from the tops of their heads. The picture to the left is a female Gambrels Quail.
We have seen probably up to a dozen family groups with the parents leading as few as one chick and some with up to 12 chicks in tow. It's interesting when they cross the street. One of the adults will stay in the middle of the street until all the chicks are across - kind of like a quail safety guard.
Here are some more pictures of the Gambrels Quail that were in our courtyard this morning.
An adult Gambrels with some of their chicks on the courtyard adobe wall.

Today is August 8 and if your Birthday is today you share your day with: The opening of the Beijing Olympics, Roger Federer (tennis champion), Dave "The Edge" Evans (guitarist/singer - "U2"), Donny Most (comedian - Ralph on "Happy Days"), Keith Carradine (actor - "The Long Riders"), Connie Stevens (actress - "Hawaiian Eye"), Dustin Hoffman (actor - "Hook" and "The Graduate"), Mel Tillis (country singer), Esther Williams (actress/swimmer), Rory Calhoun (actor - "The Texan"), Rudi Gernreich (designer - creator of topless bathing suit), Dino De Laurentis (director - "The Bible"), and Matthew Henson (explorer - first to reach North Pole with Matthew Peary).
Max absolutely loves quail. They are such cute birds. We've had quite a few running around our place as well.
Show us the bald dog.
Oooh! I do miss seeing quail. When we lived in Rio Rancho, we'd see them often, but out here in the mountains...none.
We did see one single roadrunner a few weeks ago and that was a thrill!
Thanks for the wonderful photos :)
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