It started off with me going to exercise first thing this morning. Normally, Betty would go too, but she's still working to get rid of this bacterial infection. As soon as it's gone, she'll get back into the exercise habit.
Then I went to the place that I hate almost as going to the dentist - the Motor Vehicles Department. My driver's license expires on September 16 so I figured I better get it done now. New Mexico has gone to a new 'secure' driver's license. It supposedly has a slew of security features. Initially, they give you a temporary license then you receive your permanent license in the mail.

Fortunately I remembered to bring a book with me and I got several chapters read before I heard them call for number 57. Good, I'm getting close.
I heard them call for number 58 to go to desk number 5. In a few minutes they called my number, 59, to go to desk number 5. Oh, I figured whomever had number 58 either left of went to the bathroom - their bad luck.
As I walked toward desk 5 a little old lady walked in front of me to desk 5 - she was number 58. She had gone to the wrong desk and was confused about where to go. The MVD lady asked me to take a seat and she would get to me next.
The little old lady had a hard time with the instructions she was given - how to use the eye test machine, what forms to fill out, was she taking any diabetes medicine, etc., - so it was taking a little time. Naturally, I heard number 60, 61, 62, and 63 called for other desks as I sat there waiting.
Finally, she got everything finished and I went up to get my license renewal. The young lady who worked there apologized and, you know what, it was OK. It was no big deal.
God has always been working on me to learn how to be content in all circumstances and this was just another object lesson for me to learn, I guess.
Finally, I went to Comcast to turn in some equipment that I no longer needed and that went smoothly. The rest of the day was regular chores around the place. Hopefully, we'll get some rain tonight.
Today is August 26 and if today is your Birthday then you share your day with: Keke Palmer (actress - "Akeelah and the Bee" - great movie by the way), Cassie Ventura (R&B singer), Macauley Caulkin (actor - "Home Alone"), Brandford Marsalis (jazz saxophonist), Geraldine Ferraro (VP candidate), Mother Teresa (Catholic nun), Chris Burke (actor - "Life Goes On"), and Albert Sabin (developer of the polio vaccine).
On this day in 1920 the Constitutional Amendment to allow women to vote went into effect and in 1939 the first Major League baseball game, between the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers played at Ebbetts Field, was broadcast by the experimental station W2XBS.
Hey, guess what? Mark's expires on the 18th of next month and he had to go get his commercial license physical today in preparation. Guess what else... Mark is going to be our school district's substitute bus driver. Pretty cool and important job, I say.
AAAwwwwww being patient paid off huh? It's always good to yield to little ole' ladies. I hope I am yielded to when I am that old. I have to always remember the 'blue haired ladies' around April when the Quilt Show comes to Paducah!
Wow. I'm impressed. A man of virtue and patience. Must have been a very good book :)
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