In case you didn't recognize that, it's the theme song for the Indiana Jones movies.
Betty and I went to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" this afternoon. That's what you can do when you're retired. We enjoy movies - mostly through Netflix - but we rarely go to the big screen movies anymore even though we can get in for Senior prices.
However, there are some movies that need to be seen on the big screen and any Indiana Jones movie fits that category. The first movie, "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" was great because it was so unique and fun. We saw it with our two sons and we all loved it. The second, "Temple of Doom" was the worst. It was gory, gruesome and had very little fun in it. I hated it and to this day still refuse to watch it again. The third, "The Last Crusade" recaptured a lot of the original fun of the first movie and Sean Connery was great as Indie's Dad.
This movie, "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," in our humble opinion captures the same fun as the first and third movies. What was fun for us was seeing an older Indiana Jones. Harrison Ford is actually 3 years older than we are and they did not do anything to make him look younger which was a wise decision. There was still a lot of action and Harrison Ford obviously did some of his own stunts so he made all of us older folks feel good about ourselves.
So, what does this have to do with horses? Very little other than Indiana rode horses in the first and third movies, but not this one. And Harrison Ford is a pretty good rider.
You have to suspend your disbelief and just go see it for what it is - a fun, action movie.
Today is June 23 and if today is your Birthday you share your day with: June Carter Cash (country singer and wife of Johnny Cash), Bob Fosse (choreographer), Clarence Thomas (US Supreme Court Justice), Edward VIII (King of England who gave up his throne to marry an American divorcee), Johannes Gutenberg (inventor of the moveable type printing press - Gutenberg Bible), and George Sax (inventor of the Saxophone).
Thank you for your thorough movie review. We look forward to seeing that fine film.
The Wades, ABQ, NM
"Gene"--I get it! (But it took me a minute).
What are movie theaters again? Some place I vaguely remember with popcorn and sticky floors...?
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