There was a place where the kids could paint pictures on one of the white horses (Cochise), they could throw horse shoes. They could ride a horse in the arena or in the round pen. And, they could learn how to groom a horse and give them treats.

For those of you who may read this blog, please know that we are heading for Fort Collins, Colorado tomorrow (Thursday) to see our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. We'll be gone until next Tuesday evening. We'll try to post a few times while we're there, but we may miss a day or two - priorities, you know.
Today is June 11 and if your Birthday is today you share your day with: Shia LeBeouf (actor - "Transformers"), Hugh Laurie (actor - "House"), Joe Montana (quarterback, San Franciso 49ers), Gene Wilder (actor - "Young Frankenstein," "Blazing Saddles"),Vince Lombardi (professional football coach - Green Bay Packers), Jacques Cousteau (underseas explorer), and Javier Benavides (our 17 year old grandson).
Instantly remove photos!!!
I did not give permission for unflattering torture pictures to be posted on your blog!
Oh, and thanks again for all your help! You two are amazing people.
Remove pictures now!
Have a good trip.
ok. you only have to remove the top one. now that i've calmed down and reassessed, i realize i'm not even in the bottom picture.
remove top picture!!!!! :)
love ya
Dan, way to go helping out with the kids. Who knew Max would be so shy about having his photo posted.
Sorry, the picture stays. Payback for all the pictures you took of me.
TJ and Mark, you are some funny people!
Dan, rude! I only post pictures where you look handsome and capable. But if you want to play that way...
Happy Birthday, Javier!
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