For the first time, Betty and I decided to do a ride in the evening. We usually ride first thing in the mornings when it's cooler, but even then it can be pretty warm in the open sunny areas. So tonight was our first sunset ride.
We fed the horses an hour earlier and we went out to get them ready for the ride about 7:20 PM. The sun was already low in the Western sky. I don't know if Morgunn and Gletta were sure what was going on as this was a first for them as well.
The grooming and saddling went fine. After a short warm up in the back paddock, we took to the road. We rode up to the end of our road where we could enter the open sage area.

The air was definitely cooler and we saw that in Morgunn and Gletta's energy level as the ride went on. We had to periodically work them to get them to relax and slow down.

It was nice riding through the open sage with the Sandia Mountains beginning to get their evening glow.

We had to work a little bit, but all in all it was a good ride.
Today is June 9 and if today is your Birthday you share your day with: Michael J. Fox (actor - "Back to the Future"), Natalie Portman (actress - "Star Wars"), Johnny Depp (actor - "Pirates of the Caribbean"), Les Paul (guitarist), Cole Porter (musician/composer), and Fred Waring (musician/composer/inventor of Waring Blender).
Your sunset ride looks beautiful. I was looking at the same sunset just not from atop a horse. I've ridden at night during the full moon Horses didn't seem to mind, but the bats swooping down over the ditch were a concern to me but did not phase the horses.
I'm sorry I missed the poll. I would have voted for Seabiscuit because I have not seen Dreamer although it sounds as if I would like it. Want to lend it to me? Any chance of our meeting up on the trail sometime? My girls are going great and would love the company
Brag brag brag! "Our sunset ride this.." "Our sunset ride that..."
Really, I'm happy for you! Looks like a lot of fun. :)
Love ya
What an incredible time to ride. I like to ride with my neaighbor at night sometimes, usually just in the arena, but it's a magical time to ride...and much cooler, too.
When you say that you had 'work the horses' to slow them down, what did you mean?(Question from a fairly new horse owner)
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