Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back in 1945 On This Day

On August 16, 1945, the US was digesting the news of the fact that the war in the Pacific was finally coming to an end and would be officially over in early September. At St. Thomas hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, Dorothy Erwin Cooksey gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. She, and her husband, Clyde Daniel Cooksey, decided to name him Junior and Clyde Daniel Cooksey, Jr. came into the world.

I grew up listening to the adults in my life talk about their WWII experiences, playing soldier and Cowboys and Indians.

From 8 years old to 16 years we lived in Birmingham, Alabama when it was still a steel town. I can remember watching the glow when they did a steel pour at night. It was also famous for it's statue of Vulcan, the god of the steelmakers.

When I was 16 we moved back to Nashville where I met my love and future wife, Betty, when we were both Juniors at John Overton High School. We both went to the University of Tennessee and, for you Texas folks, it was the original UT.

After college, I joined the Navy - it was either that or be drafted - and became an Ensign on the USS WILLIAM H. STANDLEY DLG-32. Originally, I was the Gunnery Officer, but I stayed on the STANDLEY and became the Navigator. We did two tours in Vietnam and both of our sons were born while I was in the Navy. I still hold the commission of Lieutenant in the Navy Reserve.

After the Navy I went back to the University of Tennessee to get my MBA and then went to work for Procter & Gamble. I had a 27 year career before retiring in 2000. We moved to New Mexico in 2004.

Sixty three years later, I'm celebrating my Birthday with my wonderful wife, Betty, my older son, Wade Daniel, my very neat daughter-in-law, Marie, and the one and only grand daughter, Juliet, to whom I am Papa.

Today is August 16 and if your Birthday is today then you share your day with: Yours Truly, Steve Carell (actor - "The Office" and "Get Smart"), Timothy Hutton (actor - "Ordinary People"), Madonna (singer - "Material Girl"), James Cameron (director - "Titanic"), Kathie Lee Gifford (TV host), Lesley Ann Warren (actress - "In Plain Sight"), Robert Culp (actor - "I Spy"), and Fess Parker (actor - "Davy Crockett").


The Wades said...

You and Madonna share the same birthday? Maybe you should have a joint party next year!

Happy birthday, dear friend!!

We're so happy you were born! :) Hey, Michael Phelps won his 8th gold on your special day. What a nice present, huh?

Anonymous said...

Dan, for your birthday I'll let you come work horses with me. Happy Birthday, Dan! Max

Trailboss said...

Happy Happy Birthday Dan. I hope Betty is feeling better....bless her heart.

Anonymous said...

A little late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Time wih your grandbaby and looking forward to riding, that's how a birthday should be! Enjoy!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

I loved reading some of your history. Both my parents were in the Navy, so guess that made me a Navy Brat. We never lived anywhere longer than 5 years. I still feel itchy to move if we live somewhere 'too long'.

"Vulcan, the god of the steelmakers"
I thought Vulcan was the god of volcanos? Who created this god? The steelmakers? Weird! hehe