Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Driving to Raton, New Mexico

We left Fort Collins this morning and drove South to Raton, New Mexico - the first town in Northern New Mexico - on our way home.

Today is August 19 and if today is your Birthday then you share your day with: Lil' Romeo (rap singer), Matthew Perry (actor - "Friends"), LeAnn Womack (country singer), Adam Arking (actor - son of Alan Arkin), John Deacon (bass player - "Queen"), Tipper Gore (wife of Climate Warming King, Al Gore), Bill Clinton (42 President), Willie Shoemaker (jockey), Gene Roddenberry (creator of "Star Trek"), Malcolm Forbes (publisher), and Orville Wright (inventor of first powered airplane and lost luggage).


The Wades said...

happy you're coming home, sad for the reason! hope she's feeling 100% by the time you arrive.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I'm glad you're coming back home again, too. I'm sorry for the reasons why your trip had to end a little sonner.
I know your horses will be happy to see you, though :)