Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What to Write About

This was one of those days when nothing happened that seemed that interesting. The most interesting thing is it rained over night and we haven't had rain for several months. So, I'll close with these questions.

What do you get when you cross an Appaloosa with a Danish Warmblood? Da, dum... an Apple Danish.

Did you know that in Tennessee law it's illegal for horse riders to lasso fish?

So, the next time you ride your Apple Danish in Tennessee, don't try to lasso a fish.

1 comment:

TjandMark/AKA PearlandHawkeye said...

Legal or not, I think that a hammer-head shark or perhaps a narwhal would be about it for rope-able fish! Sounds like a neat trick! And horseback! The mind boggles. mark